How to Create A Local Wiki

Creating a Local Wiki

There are many different ways to create your own wiki. The following examples will create a wiki using sphinx installed inside a conda environment. This can be done from the terminal or by using PyCharm:

# Create and navigate to a directory that will house your wiki
$ mkdir wiki_test
$ cd wiki_test/

# Create a new conda environment
$ conda create --name wiki_test python=3.8

# Activate the conda environment you just created
$ conda activate wiki_test

# Install Sphinx
$ conda install sphinx


When installing packages conda will ask for your permission you to proceed (Proceed ([y]/n)?). To continue just type y

# Initialize a default sphinx project by running the command ``sphinx-quickstart``
# Follow the instructions in the command prompt. You can accept all of the defaults
# (displayed to you within brackets) but you still have to specify Project and Author names.
$ sphinx-quickstart

# Build HTML docs inside the newly created ``_build`` directory.
$ make html
  • From this point you can navigate to _build/html/index.html and open index.html in your browser of choice to see your newly created documentation.

  • You can now start writing documentation inside of your base directory (wiki_test).

Viewing A Local Wiki

After you create HTML files from your documentation, you could simply select them from your file explorer / finder window and open them in your browser. However when using sphinx’s search functionality the results may not be comprehensive, with only document names being listed in the search results page. This differs from the search results you see when searching through sphinx documentation hosted online, which includes snippets of text from the documents that contain the words you search. This difference occurs because browsers limit displaying the contents of local files in the sphinx search. If you happen to open the console in chrome you may see errors like the following:


Access to XMLHttpRequest at
'file:///<path to index.html>'
from origin 'null' has been blocked by CORS policy: Cross origin requests are only supported for
protocol schemes: http, data, chrome, chrome-extension, chrome-untrusted, https.

To avoid this error and get a more verbose result you can start a Simple Local HTTP server or piggyback off PyCharm’s built in ability to display html files in the browser. Guides for both are below:

# Navigate to your documentation's root directory
$ cd wiki_test

# Start a local HTTP server
# The terminal will then display a message like "Serving HTTP on :: port 8000"
$ python -m http.server


When running the http.server command, A popup may appear asking you to enable some permissions. Acceptthe permissions for the command to continue execution.

  • From this point you can open your browser to http://localhost:8000/.

  • In the browser you can navigate to _build/html/. From there you can open up your documentation html pages.