
Example Database Class


This class does not contain functions for creating, saving, updating information in the database. It only outlines a way to have a class that safely initializes and closes a connection to an sqlite3 database when the class is instantiated and deleted.

class Sqlite3DatabaseExample:
    def __init__(self, database_file_path: str):
        Initializes connection to a database file. If the database file does not exist
        it will be created at the given database_file_path location.

        **Note** In general you should not expose the database location for security purposes.
        :param database_file_path: Path to a (.db) database file
        self._database_connection: sqlite3.Connection = sqlite3.connect(database_file_path)

    def __del__(self):
        Closes the connection to the database. This gives us peace of mind
        as the database connection will be terminated whenever the class
        is deleted or garbage collected.

        **Note** This function does not call the sqlite3 commit() command
        so any uncommitted changes to the database will be lost.